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The Best Tutors in Lansing, MI

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Judith A. Near Lansing, MI, available for online & in-person tutoring
Judith A.

Near Lansing, MI

Let me help you achieve your goals.....

Most of my adult life has been dedicated to helping people strive for and achieve personal and academic success. I have worked in the academic field for approximately 8 years; tutoring at a community college level for 4 years and scoring MEAP...

5.0 (2)
18 hours tutoring

Most of my adult life has been dedicated to helping people strive for and achieve personal and academic success. I have worked in the academic field for approximately 8 years; tutoring at a community college level for 4 years and scoring MEAP...

Jessica B. Lansing, MI, available for online & in-person tutoring
Jessica B.

Lansing, MI

Tutor Specializing in Writing, Reading, and Research for All Ages

Hello, I'm Jessica! I have a Bachelor's degree in English, a Master's degree in English, and a Master's degree in Library Science. I have 10+ years of experience working with students of all ages to improve writing, reading, and research skills....

5.0 (2)
27 hours tutoring

Hello, I'm Jessica! I have a Bachelor's degree in English, a Master's degree in English, and a Master's degree in Library Science. I have 10+ years of experience working with students of all ages to improve writing, reading, and research skills....

Vijval P. Near Lansing, MI, available for online & in-person tutoring
Vijval P.

Near Lansing, MI

Math and English Tutor for All Grade Levels!

Hello! My name is Vijval and I am currently in my fourth year at Michigan State University. I am majoring in physiology with a minor in entrepreneurship. I have tutored for about 10 years now and have taught math to students of many different...

4.8 (18)
70 hours tutoring

Hello! My name is Vijval and I am currently in my fourth year at Michigan State University. I am majoring in physiology with a minor in entrepreneurship. I have tutored for about 10 years now and have taught math to students of many different...

Madhura T. Near Lansing, MI, available for online & in-person tutoring
Madhura T.

Near Lansing, MI

Math Tutor for High school and College

I am an experienced Math teacher. I completed my Masters in Physics, in May 2000, from India. Although I am a Physics major, for the past 15 years, I have taught Mathematics at various levels. Before moving to the U.S, in May 2011, I was...

4.9 (9)
13 hours tutoring

I am an experienced Math teacher. I completed my Masters in Physics, in May 2000, from India. Although I am a Physics major, for the past 15 years, I have taught Mathematics at various levels. Before moving to the U.S, in May 2011, I was...

Ibrahim E. Near Lansing, MI, available for online & in-person tutoring
Ibrahim E.

Near Lansing, MI

Recent Graduate with two degrees, and5 years tutoring experience

I have two undergraduate degrees, one in mathematics and one in physics. I've also been tutoring for 5 years throughout high school and college, in subjects such as physics, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Calculus, Trigonometry, and others. I've...

5 hours tutoring

I have two undergraduate degrees, one in mathematics and one in physics. I've also been tutoring for 5 years throughout high school and college, in subjects such as physics, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Calculus, Trigonometry, and others. I've...

Natalie G. Lansing, MI, available for online & in-person tutoring
Natalie G.

Lansing, MI

Experienced Math, Writing and Test Prep Tutor for Grades 1-12

For over 13 years, I have helped more than 6000 students in grades 1-12 understand their homework, excel in their classes, and comprehensively prepare for upcoming exams. I've also worked as a professional writer and editor since 2009. My tutoring...

4.9 (1153)
5,033 hours tutoring
Response time: 4 minutes

For over 13 years, I have helped more than 6000 students in grades 1-12 understand their homework, excel in their classes, and comprehensively prepare for upcoming exams. I've also worked as a professional writer and editor since 2009. My tutoring...

Asher B. Lansing, MI, available for online & in-person tutoring
Asher B.

Lansing, MI

No-judgement, enthusiastic math support

12 years' formal teaching experience across high school & university, and a tutor since grade school Math is my absolute favorite thing ever and I'm big into trying out different explanations & approaches to find what makes a given concept...

5.0 (193)
779 hours tutoring

12 years' formal teaching experience across high school & university, and a tutor since grade school Math is my absolute favorite thing ever and I'm big into trying out different explanations & approaches to find what makes a given concept...

John B. Near Lansing, MI, available for online & in-person tutoring
John B.

Near Lansing, MI

College Physics and Math Tutor

I've taught college level physics and math to hundreds of students for several years. My focus is on making it easy for you. Instead of giving you lots of techniques for each different topic, I use a simple, unified, and straightforward approach...

5.0 (356)
962 hours tutoring
Response time: 47 minutes

I've taught college level physics and math to hundreds of students for several years. My focus is on making it easy for you. Instead of giving you lots of techniques for each different topic, I use a simple, unified, and straightforward approach...

Azam S. Near Lansing, MI, available for online & in-person tutoring
Azam S.

Near Lansing, MI

Experienced Tutor of Biomedical & Epidemiology at Michigan State U

I am a Ph.D. candidate specializing in Molecular Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Molecular Genetics. I have a master's in epidemiology and a professional degree in doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM). I am passionate about finding innovative...

5.0 (16)
42 hours tutoring

I am a Ph.D. candidate specializing in Molecular Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Molecular Genetics. I have a master's in epidemiology and a professional degree in doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM). I am passionate about finding innovative...

Yasir N. Near Lansing, MI, available for online & in-person tutoring
Yasir N.

Near Lansing, MI

PhD Scientist in Quantitative Genetics and Bioinformatics

I am a PhD scholar in Genetics and Genome Sciences Program. I also hold an MS in Animal Science and a DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) degree. These degree programs have helped me develop a thorough understanding of Genomics, Biostatistics,...

5.0 (7)
33 hours tutoring

I am a PhD scholar in Genetics and Genome Sciences Program. I also hold an MS in Animal Science and a DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) degree. These degree programs have helped me develop a thorough understanding of Genomics, Biostatistics,...

Barbara V. Near Lansing, MI, available for in-person tutoring
Barbara V.

Near Lansing, MI

English Grammar and Composition

My teaching background is very diverse. I have taught middle school and high school students in a variety of subjects; however, my specialty is English grammar and composition. I have also had the opportunity to work for a large corporation. This...

5.0 (10)
10 hours tutoring

My teaching background is very diverse. I have taught middle school and high school students in a variety of subjects; however, my specialty is English grammar and composition. I have also had the opportunity to work for a large corporation. This...

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How much for private tutoring lessons

Lansing Tutors Cost $30 - 52 per hour on average

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the new york times

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Your Lansing private tutoring options may be numerous, but don't you want to take 1 on 1 lessons with the very best tutors in Lansing? We have the largest network of qualified private tutors, so students can choose their ideal tutor (and rates) from the best of the best. With Wyzant, you can find local tutors for over 250 subjects, including:

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Tutoring Near Lansing

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