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Teaching Experience (30 yrs), ESE and Middle School Math teacher

I also received my Master's in VE education, Varied Exceptionalities. I have taught for 30 plus years teaching Pre-School and Second Grade in St. Louis, MO and Private school PE/Aftercare plus 22 years in the Sarasota School District. I taught at Venice Middle School as an ESE teacher for four years and moved on to Riverview High School for 18 more years. Besides me writing the curriculum for the Critical Thinking and Study Skills course for incoming Freshman at Riverview High School, I als...


I have a masters in Varied Exceptionalities. I also have taught students with these handicaps for over 30 years, ranging from Elementary school through High school. I also have had many success stories on working with the parents, student, and counselors in the schools I taught.

algebra 1

elementary math

study skills